20th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology
We are delighted that the 20th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology (HRWM) will take place in Vienna, Austria from 15 – 20 September.
The Symposium organized by the IWA HRWM Specialist Group will be hosted by the Interuniversity Cooperation Centre (ICC) Water and Health and supported by the Austrian Society of Hygiene, Microbiology and Preventive Medicine (OGHMP).
The Health-Related Water Microbiology Sub Specialist group is involved in all aspects of public health where water has the role as a vector or reservoir of pathogens. The symposium will bring together researchers, policy makers, water practitioners from academia, industry, engineers, water utilities, public authorities and administration to exchange latest scientific findings, experience and knowhow. We expect around 300 delegates from all around the world.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Vienna!
Regina Sommer and Andreas Farnleitner (conference chairs)
and the Team of ICC Water & Health
The quality of water used for drinking, irrigation, aquaculture, food processing or recreational purposeshas a significant impact on public health on a global scale. Faecal pollution is a primary health concern inthe environment, in water and in food. The development of new indicators of faecal contamination, sourcetracking, risk, treatment, will also be a topic that is being discussed. Main topics include among others research on pathogenic bacteria, parasites and viruses, microbial indicators, modelling associated risk andmicrobial source tracking tools, as well as water treatment and disinfection, water reuse, recreational water,water management in disaster situations and extreme events, antimicrobial resistance, as well as waterquality and infection control in health care facilities. Contributions related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are particularly welcome. The IWA Young Water Professionals (www.iwa-network.org/young-water-professionals) will be an active part in the symposium organizationand program and are especially encouraged to participate. Workshops are under preparation on the topics “Biological risks of WWTP workers”, “QMRA_catch Approach” and in cooperation with WHO “Antimicrobial Resistance” and "Bacteriophages as indicators in water management".
Conference Topics
The symposium program will cover all aspects of health related water microbiology in the whole watercycle, applied and basic research on water and microorganisms as it impacts human health.
- Water transmittable pathogens
- Survival, persistence, transport, fate and occurrence
- Epidemiology of water associated diseases
- Catchment protection
- Microbial fecal pollution diagnostics and source tracking
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Water treatment and disinfection
- Modelling and prediction
- QMRA, decision analysis, water safety plans and surveillance
- Biostability
- Criteria, standards, surveillance and monitoring
- Metagenome, microbiome and community analysis
- Recreational water and health
- Water reuse and health concerns
- Water, food and health
- Tools and measures supporting water and sanitation in developing countries
- Water management in disaster situations and extreme events
- Water quality and infection control in health care facilities