cover photo
Wien, Österreich
Heldenplatz, Hofburg

EHS 2017 - 39th Annual Internation Congress of European Hernia Society

Kongress,  Öffentlich

Welcome by the Congress President

It is a great honour and privilege for Vienna to be elected to host the 39th congress of the European Hernia Society (EHS) in 2017.

Vienna is not only the historical domain of Theodor Billroth, one of the most important founders of modern abdominal surgery, but is a cultural hub offering art, music, architecture and history for all.  

The meeting entitled "Prevention and Prophylaxis beyond Hernia Surgery" covers topics of ever increasing interest in modern times including cost awareness and patient outcome.

We look forward to welcoming you to a scientific spring time in Vienna.

Vienna is waiting for you!

René H. Fortelny
Congress President


Chairman and Local Organiser

René H. Fortelny M.D., F.E.B.S.
Professor of Surgery
President of the Austrian Hernia Society
Chief of the Certified Hernia Center
Department of General, Visceral and Oncological Surgery
1171 Vienna/Austria
Phone: +43 1 49 150 4201
Fax: +43 1 49 150 4209



Priv.-Doz. Gernot Köhler, M.D.
Chief of the Certified Hernia Center
Department of General and Visceral Surgery
Krankenhaus Barmherzige Schwestern Linz
4010 Linz/Austria

Walter Brunner, M.D. MSc, MBA, FRCS
Department of General, Visceral, Endocrine and Transplantation Surgery
Kantonsspital St. Gallen
9007 St. Gallen/Switzerland



The official language of the congress will be English (no simultaneous translation).


Abstract Submission

The EHS 2017, Vienna, May 24 - 27, 2017, invites you to submit abstracts for inclusion in the programme. Abstract submission is now open.

Abstract Submission Deadline: Sunday, January 22, 2017, 24:00 CET.

Attention! In case you are using the latest version of Mozilla Firefox and the "Submission Site" link does not work, please use another browser!

Guidelines - Please read the instructions carefully!
For informations concerning formal issues please see the Sample Abstract .

Abstract Topics:

  1. Patients selection and tailored approach in hernia surgery
  2. Prevention and management of chronic pain
  3. Prevention of recurrence and complications in ventral and incisional hernia repair
  4. Prevention of recurrence and complications in groin hernia repair
  5. Prevention of hernia occurrence after midline laparotomy and stoma creation (prophylactic mesh)
  6. Prevention of mesh related adverse effects (complications, recurrence, new materials, biomeshes etc.)
  7. Interdisciplinary management of complicated and/ or giant hernias
  8. Prevention and management of atypical hernias (flank, lumbar, non midline, subxiphoidal etc.)
  9. Prevention of complications and recurrence: Education in hernia surgery


Presentation Types:

  • Oral Presentation
  • Video Presentation
  • Poster


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