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Salzburg, Österreich
Ernst-Grein-Straße 14

Symposium on Muscle-Bone Interaction in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 2019

Kongress,  Öffentlich

Implementing standards of care and developing clinical research


Friday 21st June 2019   

St Virgil Conference Centre, Salzburg, Austria  

This symposium is organised in collaboration with the John Walton Muscular Dystrophy Research Centre  at Newcastle University with generous support from Duchenne Parent Project, Netherlands and Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy.   This a satellite symposium to the International Conference for Children's Bone Health (ICCBH)  and is held the day preceding the 9th ICCBH Meeting.


The aim of this symposium is to focus on bone health in DMD including the updated standards of care (2018) and developing clinical research in the area.   In particular, this symposium aims to disseminate discussions of the recent 236th European Neuromuscular Centre International Workshop (1st - 3rd June 2018) on developing osteoporosis clinical trials in DMD to a wider audience.  The impact of new osteoporosis agents and emerging muscle investigative agents on bone development will be discussed.


Target Audience:

The target audience of this workshop includes clinicians (medical and allied health), translational and basic researchers in the bone and neuromuscular fields.   It is hoped this symposium will gather neuromuscular and bone/endocrine experts together to work towards implementing the updated standards of care and to discuss the path forward to mitigate the extent of skeletal morbidity in DMD.



This workshop is an educational scientific forum with a panel of experts, aiming to to address the following main aspects :

  • An update on the muscle and bone cross talk in the context of neuromuscular conditions
  • The extent of osteoporosis in DMD and implementation of the updated bone/endocrine international standards of care (2018)
  • New bone therapeutic agents in DMD and glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis
  • Investigative agents in DMD trials and impact on skeletal development
  • Discussion on collaborative projects and research in the area

Programme Organisers:

Dr Jarod Wong, Senior Clinical Lecturer, DERG, University of Glasgow

Dr Michaela Guglieri, Senior Clinical Lecturer, Human Genetics, Newcastle University


Local Organiser:

Dr Adalbert Raimann, University of Vienna

The Organisers are grateful for the support of ICCBH and the support of Conference Organiser, Janet Crompton, for her help with the arrangements.


For further information please contact Dr Jarod Wong

We encourage you to consider attending ICCBH 2019 (22 - 25 June) following our symposium and look forward to welcoming you in June 2019!


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