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Graz, Österreich
Auenbruggerplatz 2a

5th International Student Congress ISC

Kongress,  Öffentlich

The International Student Congress (ISC) of the Medical University of Graz (Austria) goes for its fifth round in 2017. We take on the challenge of bring together researchers and students from many disciplines of biological sciences to talk about their most recent findings, share experiences and make new connections.

Join us this year from May 25-27th 2017!


Why a congress for students?

We think that science and research are essential for the improvement of society and believe that students can take a more active role on this matter, we are the promise for the future.

It takes a long way to make a contribution to medicine and society. However, the first steps must be taken and sadly those are always the hardest. Therefore we have created this forum, to build a community of students from as many countries as possible and be the platform of the following aims:


  • Presenting ideas for a project and new results.
  • Learn new skills and train how to communicate your research.
  • Introduce students to research fields and career opportunities.
  • Discuss current topics in medical research with leading experts. 
  • Form interdisciplinary networks.

Who can take part?

We want to bring together students from Bachelor studies, Master degrees, PhD programs as well as Diploma studies of medicine and related life sciences. Participants will be offered a chance to present the results of their scientific work and discuss them with their peers, together with the support of leading experts.

So, dear colleagues, take this opportunity to present your Bachelor thesis, Diploma thesis, Master thesis or any other scientific work you have undertaken or are currently working on. We are happy to welcome PhD students as many of them are already a step forward into research and we can all benefit from talking with them about how they are developing their ideas.

Program highlights

Don't miss our:

  • Precourses, because they will give you the rare opportunity to share ideas and solutions with experts and colleagues on current problems facing medical research as well as equip you with those soft skills that you have always wanted to hear about.
  • Keynote lectures, because leading experts will be discussing current aspects of research from a perspective that has hardly ever crossed your mind. 
  • Workshops, because finally! you'll get to know what things like nanomedicine are actually about and at the very least you will get access to expert information on career opportunities.
  • Panel discussion, because people, who actually know how, will be taking a closer look at the role that research will play towards creating 21st century medicine. Especially as a student you will have the one-time chance to witness a discussion between experts and share your own opinion in microphone rounds. Come and listen to how tomorrow's medicine is being innovated today. 
  • Social and entertainment programs, because sometimes you also need fresh air ;)


Postal adress

International Student Congress
Medical University of Graz
Center for Medical Research (ZMF)
Stiftingtalstraße 24,
8010 Graz, Austria


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