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Innsbruck, Österreich
Weiherburggasse 31, Villa Blanka

Jahrestagung der Ö. Ges. für Allergologie u. Immunologie

Medizinisches Event,  Öffentlich

Dear friends and colleagues,

on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) and the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology (ÖGAI) we would like to invite you to the ÖGAI 2016 Annual Meeting in Innsbruck.

The scientific program of the Annual Meeting in Innsbruck will cover broad aspects of immunological and allergological topics, which will be addressed by outstanding national and international keynote speakers as well as short oral presentations of Austrian early-stage researchers. In addition to oral presentations, young scientists will have the opportunity to present and discuss their findings during poster sessions. This years´ session topics include Immunity of Infectious Diseases, Innate Immunity, Immune Cell Signaling, Adaptive Immune Regulation, Autoimmunity/Immunodeficiencies, Clinical Allergology and Tumor Immunology. The meeting will be traditionally completed with the ’Clinical Day’ held in German, which will focus this year on  Clinical Immunology and is therefore especially tailored for practitioners and resident doctors.

The meeting takes place in the exclusive and newly built convention hall of the Villa Blanka over the rooftop of Innsbruck.

We would also like to thank all the sponsors and exhibitors for their valuable contribution and support!

We are looking forward to your active participation in this attractive meeting at a stimulating location and hope that this years´ Annual Meeting of the ÖGAI in Innsbruck will provide inspiring discussions in the fields of Immunology and Allergology!

Therefore, please SAVE the DATE and join us in Innsbruck from 16th to 19th November 2016!


Assoc.Prof.Dr.Doris Wilflingseder
Telefon: +43(0)512 9003-70704 Fax: +43(0)512 9003-73700

Karin Werth
Telefon: +43-512 900370702


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